Welcome to Bar Akademija Community


About Us / O nama

Bar Akademija Community je online platforma za HoReCa, IT, Food&Bev brendove i distributere i srodne industrije, te svih onih koji cijene informaciju, te žele na klik imati sve resurse i informacije. Pročitaj ispod sve detalje i prednosti priključenja zajednici i benefite koje možeš ostvariti članstvom... HUB funkcioniše kroz našu web Aplikaciju koju možete skinuti i na Android i IOS telefone.

Bar Akademija je Bartender i Barista Škola i konsultantska kuća u industriji Ugostiteljstva. Zajednica 30 vrhunskih stručnjaka na raznim poljima struke naše industrije je naš resurs br. 1.


We are Bartender School with extensive network of professionals in Bar Industry in Central and Southeast Europe

We do courses as well as festivals, competitions and various educational platforms. Besides educating new generations of professional bartenders and baristas our aim is raising awareness and standards in spirit, wine and craft beer industry as well as Bar Culture in general. This is our Community and learning platform.

Why You Should Join us? Zašto se pridružiti?

Free consulting, membership discounts on courses, books, products. Career projection advising, employment, HR services.

Konzalting stručne zajednice, popusti na realne i online kurseve, knjige, proizvode. Konzalting kod projekcije karijere, zaposlenje i kadrovske usluge.

A Big Thanks

Thank you for being a part  of Bar Akademija Community and making our industry better, more social and humane. 

Hvala vam na članstvu u Bar Akademija zajednici. Zajedno činimo našu industriju boljom, društveno odgovornijom i humanijom.